Lumbar (Low Back) Procedures
Posterior Lumbar One or Two-Level Fusions:
Week 1: Walking on day 1; go home from the hospital on day 2-3; start showering day 3
Week 2: Walking more normally, start tapering off of pain medications, post-op office visit 10-14 days after the surgery for a wound check. Start driving if off of narcotic pain medications. Ist Post op xray
Weeks 3-4: Most can drive by now. Return to work if a non-physical job.
Weeks 6: Second post-op office visit at 6 weeks with 2nd post-op XRAY
Weeks 6-12: Getting back to life as usual. Bone fusion should be complete at approximately 3-6 months in most people; Full recovery expected.
Posterior Lumbar Minimally-Invasive Decompression/ Microdiskectomy:
Week 1: Walking on day 1; go home from the hospital on day 1 or 2; start showering day 3
Week 2: Walking more normally, start tapering off of pain medications, post-op office visit 10-14 days after the surgery for a wound check. Start driving if off of narcotic pain medications. Limit lifting to less than 10 lbs.
Weeks 3-4: Driving by now. Return to work if a non-physical job. Limit lifting to less than 10 lbs.
Weeks 4-6: Second post-op office visit at 6 weeks. Start physical therapy or exercise at the gym. Limit lifting to less than 10 lbs.
Weeks 6-12: Getting back to life as usual. Full recovery expected. Limit lifting to 30lbs.
Anterior Lumbar Diskectomy and Fusion:
Week 1: Walking on day 1; go home from the hospital on day 2-4; start showering day 3
Week 2: walking more normally, start tapering off of pain medications, post-op office visit 10-14 days after the surgery for a wound check. Start driving if off of narcotic pain medications. Ist post op xray
Weeks 3-4: Most can drive by now. Return to work if a non-physical job.
Weeks 4-6: Second post-op office visit at 6 weeks with 2nd post-op XRAY
Weeks 6-12: Getting back to life as usual. Bone fusion should be complete at approximately 3-6 months in most people; Full recovery expected. Weeks 6-12: Getting back to life as usual, boney on-growth to the implant typically complete; start physical therapy/gym exercise at 3 months
Months 3-6: Full recovery expected.