Cervical (Neck) Procedures
Anterior Cervical Disk Replacement
Week 1: Walking on day 1; go home from the hospital on day 1-2; start showering day 3. Many patients have some sore throat and swallowing difficulty this first week.
Week 2: Improved swallowing. First post-op visit at 10-14 days for a wound check. Minimal neck pain expected, taper off of all narcotic pain medications. Driving is ok if off of pain medications. Return to work is usually possible by now.
Weeks 3-4: Getting back to normal life.
Weeks 4-6: Bone healing to the implant typically complete or near-complete.
Weeks 6-12: Full recovery expected.

Anterior Cervical Diskectomy and Fusion
Week 1: Walking on day 1; go home from the hospital on day 1-2; start showering day 3. Many patients have some sore throat and swallowing difficulty this first week.
Week 2: Improved swallowing. Minimal neck pain expected, taper off of all narcotic pain medications. Driving is ok if off of pain medications. Return to work is usually possible by now. First post-op visit at 10-14 days for a wound check. 1st Post op XRAY
Weeks 4-6: Second post-op visit at 6 weeks, XRAY will be taken.
Months 3-6: Full recovery expected. Bone fusion usually complete at 3-6 months.
Posterior Cervical Microdecompression
Week 1: Walking on day 1; go home from the hospital or surgery center on day 1 or 2; start showering day 3
Week 2: Start tapering off of pain medications, post-op office visit 10-14 days after the surgery for a wound check. Start driving if off of narcotic pain medications.
Weeks 3-4: Driving by now. Return to work if a non-physical job. Neck pain resolving.
Weeks 4-6: Second post-op office visit at 6 weeks. Start physical therapy or exercise at the gym.
Weeks 6-12: Getting back to life as usual. Full recovery expected.

Posterior Cervical Fusion
Week 1: Walking on day 1; go home from the hospital or surgery center on day 1 or 2; start showering day 3
Week 2: Start tapering off of pain medications, post-op office visit 10-14 days after the surgery for a wound check. Start driving if off of narcotic pain medications. Ist post op XRAYs
Weeks 4: Driving by now. Return to work if a non-physical job. Neck pain resolving.
Weeks 4-6: Second post-op office visit at 6 weeks. Start physical therapy or exercise at the gym. Repeat XRAY at 6 weeks.
Weeks 6-12: Fusion usually nearing completion during this time. Getting back to life as usual.